Make An Appointment With Us
Our hours
Sunday. Closed
Monday 8AM - 5PM
Tuesday 8AM - 5PM
Wednesday 8AM - 5PM
Thursday 8AM - 5PM
Friday 8AM - 5PM
Saturday Closed
We're here to help
Winter and spring are the best time you'll love to have us so you don't have to get out in the cold and when it comes to spring cleaning were ready to get the job done
Dirty Jobs is in BLUE to ensure you recognize when we are there to service you and notice us if you see us in your yard.
Why choose dirty duties
We provide the best full pet waste Management service in town focusing on convenience reliability and thoughtfulness.
Our animal poop clean up service is designed to keep your yard and your animal's beds clean and your pets and farm animals healthy.
Poop Report Card
We will send a poop report card on which animal is having irregular waste and can help indicate early signs of health issues.
We will only send them if we see something unusual.
Dirty duties full pet waste Management service we will come to your home at whatever frequency you subscribe to daily,
4× a week,
3× a week,
2× a week,
Contact us now to schedule and see why it's good to have us
Join today and experience the difference
Employee Accountability
Our employees undergo righteous background checks ensuring peace of mind and trust in our service
We are Jeffrey and Mikayla Eberhart we found dirty duties would be a great fit around Cameron Missouri in August 2024. We saw a need for a high quality full pet waste Management service that customers could come to really rely on. We want to take this job nobody likes to do.
But we are here to take that dirty job off your hands and leave it to the professionals to service you.