Our hours
Sunday. Closed
Monday 8AM - 5PM
Tuesday 8AM - 5PM
Wednesday 8AM - 5PM
Thursday 8AM - 5PM
Friday 8AM - 5PM
Saturday Closed
You will be charged upon arrival for the job or you may choose to prepay weekly, or monthly. If for some reason the transaction fails we will attempt to call you if we can't reach you, then we will leave and service will not be completed until you reach out to address and fix the issue. We use client hub to take payments.
• 1 visit weekly is $31.25 per visit • 2 visits weekly is $26.56 per visit • 3 visits weekly is $25 per visit • 4 visits weekly is $23.44 per visit • Bi-weekly visit is $46.88 per Visit. We scoop poop, deodorize, and disinfect your whole yard, Making it safe from pesticides and poop so you, your dog, or family aren't stepping in 💩 or spreading germs through out your home. For an additional $25 each time you request we will power wash your sidewalks & porches.
• 1 visit weekly is $31.25 per visit • 2 visits weekly is $26.56 per visit • 3 visits weekly is $25 per visit • 4 visits weekly is $23.44 per visit• bi-weekly visits is $46.88 per Visit. We scoop, dump, disinfect, deodorize, & add in cat litter that YOU provide. We DO NOT provide cat litter. After we're all done we haul off the waste.
We do deep cleaning $100 per man hour. We clean out old hay and poop from stalls, bag it up, and take it away. You provide your own hay but we will lay the hay down for you. We will do a deep clean of power washing, scrubbing, deodorizing, and disinfecting each horse stall. We will need water source.
We do deep cleaning $100 per man hour. We clean out old hay and poop from stalls, bag it up, and take it away. You provide your own hay but we will lay the hay down for you. We will do a deep clean of power washing, scrubbing, disinfecting, and deodorizing each goat stall. We will need water source.
1st time visit fee $80 • 1 visit a week $60 • bi-weekly visits $80 per visit • monthly visit is $125 We Scoop old hay/ bedding out and haul it away. We DONT provide hay/ bedding but we will lay it down we will power wash deodorize, disinfect the coop additional $25 per coop,
1st time visit fee $80 • 1 visit a week $60 • bi-weekly visits $80 per visit • monthly visit is $125 We Scoop old hay/ bedding out and haul it away. We DONT provide hay/ bedding but we will lay it down we will power wash deodorize, disinfect the coop additional $25 per coop,
Guinea Pigs
• 1 visit weekly is$31.25 per visit • 2 visits weekly is $26.56 per visit • 3 visits weekly is $25 per visit • 4 visits weekly is $23.44 per visit• Bi-weekly is $46.88. • One time monthly $81.25. We will clean the cages out weekly/ biweekly we will clean, disinfect, and deodorize then haul the waste away We DO NOT provide bedding but we will fill in your cage with YOUR supply
Water Troughs
Once a week $100 twice a week $150 bi weekly $75. We will clean horse water Troughs and help keep water cleaner and maintained so it don't gets built up algae to prevent horses from getting sick.
• 1 visit weekly is$31.25 per visit • 2 visits weekly is $26.56 per visit • 3 visits weekly is $25 per visit • 4 visits weekly is $23.44 per visit• Bi-weekly is $46.88. • One time monthly $81.25. We will clean the cages out weekly/ biweekly we will clean, disinfect, and deodorize then haul the waste away We DO NOT provide bedding but we will fill in your cage with YOUR supply
Power Washing
Live stock trailers Horse/ goats Small: $150 Medium: $175 Large: $200 XLarge: $225. Cow / sheep Small:$200 Medium: $225 Large: $250 XLarge: $275. Porches and side walk $25 We power wash Sidewalks, porches, coops, stalls, troughs, & livestock trailers all different pricing
We Properly Sanitize
We clean equipment properly our tools and shoes between every service.
We also can sanitize your porch and sidewalks for you.
We are serious about our job and care for your fur babies, farm animals, and your families health.
We don't want nothing contagious spreading around like viruses, that's why we're professionals to keep your pets and your families environment healthy, other services could not know the dangers not having the right equipment or forget to do so after every time, but it's our job to make sure every step is taken before and after EVERY service.
We Are Licensed & Insured
We treat the invitation to your home seriously and so should you when choosing someone to come and perform any services at your home.
We treat animal poop as a serious business to ensure no harm will be done for your family and your pet's health.
Accessing Your Yard
It is your responsibility to make sure that Dirty Duties has access to your area you need cleaned and that aggressive dogs are not in the yard. Many customers will use padlocks with combinations or keys you can either give us a key to the garage/gate or let us know the code, or you can leave gate/garage door unlocked.
If we cannot access due to your dog won't let us or gate or garage door is locked we will skip your visit for that week and try again your next scheduled visit.
In Climate Weather
Dirty Duty will work through the rain and cold as long as we can do it safely, we cannot work through a severe thunderstorms, flooding or an accumulation of snow. But soon as it safe to do so, we will send a message telling you we will come out to do service.